• Le Blanc Acorda Katita

e-Arte Project

It is a collaborative online framework designed to help artists and game developers to work together.

The site content is:
¤ communication tools to start new games;
¤ eCommerce tool for developers to ask for art works to artists, and vice versa;
¤ wiki to share and follow art ideas, models and tutorials for games.

In that project, two mobile Android games were created: Acorda Katita and Leblanc. They have the same engine, but different narrative and art style. It shows how important the way you use the artistic languages for the player´s experience.

The framework was proposed by Gene Institute, funded by Finep (Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Brazil), and developed by PalmSoft. The art content (texts, images and songs) was made by Casthalia and UDESC.

eArte in symposiums
¤ XII SBGames: Da arte ao game: processo de criação artística para mobile game (São Paulo/Brazil, 2013).